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Communion #23
We weren’t made for rejection. Researchers have been demonstrating the effects of rejection on the physical body and the mind for some time. And it's clear that rejection is an effect of sin. Rejection is not a natural product of love, so it can’t have been something we were made to endure.
That’s what makes it even more amazing that Jesus endured so much rejection throughout his life here on earth.
Communion #22
1 Corinthians 11:26
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.
When we take communion, we are engaging in one of the only rituals that the Lord Jesus instituted…
Communion #21
So much of the story of the cross engages and ministers to us. Even though the primary agenda of the cross was to make salvation available to all, Christ's response to all that took place demonstrates a deeper understanding of His love and sacrifice.
Communion #20
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
Luke 23:34
There are two astounding factors to this statement that Jesus made whilst hanging on the cross. Firstly, He asks God to forgive those who had perpetrated this heinous act. For most of us, when we experience pain particularly that of an unjust nature, the last thing we ask God to do is forgive our perpetrators. Jesus demonstrated the principle of loving our enemies perfectly when this was His cry.
Communion #19
How interesting that the day of Jesus death was also the day of preparation for the Sabbath?
Communion #18
“He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”
Luke 23:35
Communion #17
The Last Supper was a busy night. Jesus not only had to deal with the knowledge of his coming death, but he also confronted his betrayer, settled an argument between the disciples, and instituted a ceremony that believers would practice for thousands of years to come.
Communion #16
God’s faithfulness is something that I reflect on often. In some ways, at the outset of my life, there was not a lot of chance that I would know God. And yet here I am, having been a believer for the last 30 years. All because of the faithfulness of God to me.
Communion #15
For us as believers, we imagine that when Jesus hung on the cross the world stood still. We assume that most consider that day to be the defining event in the history of the world. But there is no real evidence to suggest that, were you to look through history books alone. Yes, history acknowledges that Jesus died on a cross, but it certainly doesn't mark it with any special milestone besides its relevance to the Christian populace.
Communion #14
As I reflect upon the death of Jesus, I can’t help but produce this romanticised version in my head. Maybe it’s because of the many artworks I’ve seen that display the purity of His sacrifice. They beautify his image to communicate his divinity.
Communion #13
Light. We need it. Without light we cannot see. I recently spent several days away in the country, and I quickly realised how much I rely on light. In the evenings, when I gazed out the window all I saw besides the occasional star was pitch black.
Communion #12
It is a sad state of affairs that for so many Christianity is perceived as a restrictive and oppressive belief system. Including Christians. And yet one of the critical components of the gospel is freedom. It’s one of the many reasons that the gospel means ‘good news’.
Communion Message #11
A couple of years ago I had a small medical procedure. It was nothing serious, but as you can imagine the practitioner relayed in detail the process that would be undertaken, and the possible risks associated with each stage. It’s a standard part of the process in all medical treatment, to ensure that you are informed before consenting. But despite having been given the full download on everything you could expect, I still felt a little nervous. Naturally.
It’s just a part of the apprehension that we feel when facing the unknown. Even when we know everything there is to know logically about a situation, our mind struggles to mentally and emotionally construct something that we don’t have imagination for.
Communion Message #10
I have always admired karate. Maybe it was those days back in the 80’s watching the karate kid movies, as the main character disciplined himself through rigorous training to defeat his opponent. I especially admire the focus and concentration displayed by these warriors.
I recently came across an interview with a martial arts expert
Communion Message #9
I have always admired karate. Maybe it was those days back in the 80’s watching the karate kid movies, as he disciplined himself through rigorous training to defeat his opponent. I especially admire the focus and concentration displayed by these warriors
Communion Message #8
We instinctively know that dirt is not ideal. Even though we recognise that some dirt builds immunity, we wouldn’t expose ourselves to anything. We wash our hands before we eat because we don’t want to consume microorganisms. We wear shoes to prohibit the germs from attaching to our bare feet. We wash our knives so that we don’t contaminate good meat. We understand a lot more about germs in this modern world than many generations before us.
Communion Message #7
When we were in lockdown, I was checking the stats for COVID every day. I was jumping on the QLD health website and then the Australian stats and the World stats. I don’t think it was about fear, I just was looking for a sign that things were going to go back to normal. Signs of hope that this thing was starting to decline.
It was the same for the prophets in the Old Testament.
Communion Message #6
Last night as I lay in bed, I suddenly thought about the fact that one day, hopefully in old age...I would pass. I might close my eyes knowing that I had the afterlife to look forward to, as I bid farewell to this life. Such thoughts can evoke fear in us. It can make us nervous as we contemplate the unknown. It’s not that there is uncertainty. I know what will happen to me, but I have no imagination to visualise what is to come.
The only fact that gave me peace at this unnerving idea, is the fact that no matter what I go through Jesus would be there with me.
Communion Message #5
The word communion doesn’t occur in most Bibles. This word that we use to describe a tradition that we participate in, was not named as such by Jesus. The word itself is a French term that was derived from the Latin communionem which means “fellowship, mutual participation, and sharing”. If you think about everything that the actual act of communion represents, fellowship and sharing would probably not be the average Christians assumption.
Communion Message #4
In the documented accounts of the Last Supper, there is this strange statement that sits amidst the discussion that I’ve never really heard much about. Jesus makes this promise: that He will not drink the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God comes.
In essence, Jesus is committing to a fast.