Episode 01: Intro to the Pink Elephant
Show Notes
Despite the fact that I have done everything possible that is recommended in the faith journey, I have found myself at times painfully dissatisfied with faith. Just like you, I have read scripture and wondered why I haven’t experienced the kind of faith described.
The question that has been buried deep underneath the surface, probably motivating these feelings is:
“Is this it?”
Is this what the Christian faith was meant to be?
When God dreamed up this new covenant, was this what he dreamed of for His children?
2 years ago I went through a really hard season, where I was asking that question every day. Yes, this question came out of pain and disillusionment as I contemplated how far my life had veered from the ideal despite having done all the right things.
But since that time I have experienced so much healing and clarity about the past and the future. And yet that question has still remained! Only this time, it’s come from a place of curiosity.
Are we really living the life that God meant for us to live? Because I think there is more to it. And if there is more, why aren’t we experiencing it? I often find myself reading Paul’s letters completely frustrated. Because to me, I sense a gap between what He lived and what we modern Christians live. I read the stories of the early church, with all its dysfunction and infighting and I STILL find myself wishing for what they had.
HERE’S THE POINT: This isn’t it. It can’t be. Something is missing, and I’ve been on a journey to find out what that is.
I believe THIS is the biggest undiscussed yet utterly obvious issue in the modern Christian community today.